Change Log


  • NEW: Added Invoice Payable and Invoice Receivable reports with detailed and summary options.
  • Aged Payables/Receivables: Added foreign exchange columns Currency and Currency Rate to detailed reports.
  • 1.15.1: Force Excel to be opened in admin mode to update RadiusCore for system-wide RadiusCore installations.
  • Aged Payables/Receivables: Correctly format numeric columns when aging by invoice date.
  • Aged Payables/Receivables: Payments & Outstanding Tax are now correctly converted to base currency.
  • Corrected detection of invalid Location parameter for CLI CreateReport method.
  • 1.15.1: Fixed date parsing for dates after 19th January 2038.


  • NEW: Added Aged Payable and Aged Receivable reports for all contacts at once, with detailed and summary views.
  • Aged Payables by Contact and Aged Receivables by Contact reports have been moved to Legacy.
  • 1.14.1: Improved speed of Aged Payables/Receivables report for Xero organisations with a large number of contacts.
  • 1.14.3: Disabled WorkflowMax connections, as this app is no longer operational.
  • 1.14.3: NOTE: Support for WorkflowMax by BlueRock will likely be added in a future version.
  • 1.14.3: [workpapers] Disabled table auto-fill for workpapers.
  • Corrected issue with date formatting in Excel in rare instances.
  • Accounts are now checked for an empty account code when compiling array of related accounts.
  • 1.14.1: Fixed incorrect Aged Payables/Receivables report data in rare instances.
  • 1.14.1: Each contact's transactions are now correctly sorted by date in Aged Payables/Receivables report.
  • 1.14.1: An organisation's balance date can no longer be updated in Xero Practice Manager when running workpaper setup.
  • 1.14.1: Minor improvements to various user interfaces.
  • 1.14.1: [workpapers] Practice Manager workpaper setup no longer shows if the subscription doesn't have a linked Xero Practice Manager connection.
  • 1.14.3: Aged Payables/Receivables: Foreign currency transaction amounts are now correctly converted to local currency.
  • 1.14.3: Aged Payables/Receivables: Fixed incorrect variable usage that was preventing Overpayment being added to the report.
  • 1.14.3: Aged Payables/Receivables: Prepayments made on the report date are now shown.
  • 1.14.4: Bank Summary: Maximum date range is now enforced to prevent bad requests.
  • 1.14.4: Bank Summary: Can now be created for Xero organisations with foreign currency bank accounts.
  • 1.14.4: Improved handling of web sockets to prevent issues when connecting new Xero organisations.
  • 1.14.5: Aged Payables/Receivables: Prepayments after the report date are now correctly added to report when aging by Invoice Date.
  • 1.14.5: Aged Payables/Receivables: Credit Note allocations are now correctly recognised as payments.


  • NEW: Added new Cash Summary report.
  • Account Transactions report now supports multiple accounts in a single report. This is currently only available when creating the report via CLI.
  • Added 8 new optional columns to the Account Transactions report.
  • Account Transactions report now supports Debtor & Creditor system accounts.
  • Account Transactions report can now be created using cash basis.
  • Report column widths are now capped at a maximum size, and text wrapping is enabled for multi-line cells.
  • 1.13.1: Added description line No transactions in period to Account Transactions report when a selected account has no transactions for the period.
  • 1.13.1: Updated connection selection interface to improve performance and address VBA Unexpected Error issues.
  • 1.13.2: Improved performance when creating Account Transaction reports for system accounts DEBTORS and CREDITORS.
  • 1.13.2: Minor performance improvement when retrieving prepayment allocations.
  • Fixed an issue with floating point rounding in various reports.
  • Trial Balance report now has a title indicating whether it is a cash-basis report.
  • Prepayment allocations are now correctly shown on the Account Transactions report.
  • Transactions with two tracking categories are now correctly displayed on the Account Transactions report.
  • Opening account balances on the Account Transactions report are now correct when tracking is applied.
  • Column widths are now preserved when refreshing a Print style report.
  • Transactions of type Bank Transfer now correctly show their related account on the Account Transactions report.
  • 1.13.1: Fixed error when attempting to retrieve too many items at once from Xero's API.
  • 1.13.1: Transactions of type Bank Transfer now have the correct polarity when tracking is applied to the Account Transactions report.
  • 1.13.1: Section totals on Account Transactions print-style report are now correct for accounts with no transactions.
  • 1.13.2: When generating journals, if a transaction type is not recognised by RadiusCore's report engine, it is now skipped so that reports will still compile (albeit potentially missing data).
  • 1.13.2: Don't show warning message when skipping transactions of type bank transfer during journal creation.
  • 1.13.2: Fixed prepayment allocations missing from Account Transactions report when creating for system accounts DEBTORS or CREDITORS.
  • 1.13.3: Fixed error preventing journal generation when a manual journal has more than one tracking category.
  • 1.13.3: Manual Journal narration is once again included in line-item description.


  • NEW: Added Account Transactions report.
  • Updated Reports Excel ribbon menu to group reports by category.
  • 1.12.2: QuickRefresh warning is now only displayed if RadiusCore's progress bar is visible.
  • 1.12.3: Added secondary progress bar for Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.3: Improved User Interface when a date field is linked to a spreadsheet cell.
  • 1.12.3: Major speed improvements to Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.5: Adjusted workpaper review system restrictions to always allow access to workpaper states even if the review system is disabled for that workpaper.
  • 1.12.6: Updated User Management interfaces to bring modern design elements.
  • 1.12.6: Updated Advanced Setting interface to bring modern design elements.
  • 1.12.6: Local template cache can now be cleared via Advanced Settings.
  • 1.12.6: [workpapers] Account codes are now validated following workpaper setup.
  • 1.12.6: [workpapers] Improved behaviour of Practice Manager client setup interface.
  • 1.12.7: Added Related Account column to Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.7: Account Transactions report now supports creation of a transaction report for system account type Bank.
  • 1.12.7: Account Transactions report now correctly displays information for transactions of type Prepayment and Overpayment.
  • 1.12.7: Added Transaction ID and Line Item ID report columns to Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.7: Added System Account ID report column to Account List report.
  • 1.12.7: Renamed Account List report column Xero Identifier to Account ID.
  • 1.12.8: Account Transactions report now supports creating a report for accounts with no account code.
  • 1.12.8: Adjusted display of account list in report settings to correctly show accounts without an account code.
  • 1.12.9: Account Transactions report now returns Related Accounts for transactions of type Invoice and Credit Note.
  • 1.12.9: Minor formatting improvements for Print style reports.
  • 1.12.9: Manually dispose of objects from memory to minimise VBA memory leaks.
  • 1.12.10: [workpapers] Added additional workpaper configuration to control whether manual entity setup is available.
  • 1.12.10: [workpapers] Updated UI design elements for workpaper setup and review system.
  • 1.12.11: Added .msi build components to repository.
  • 1.12.11: [workpapers] Exposed workpaper general ledger refresh method via CLI.
  • Report Setup no longer repeatedly checks Xero for tracking categories for organisations with no categories setup.
  • Detect End of Last Financial Year before End of Last Quarter when they are the same date.
  • Fixed incorrect date definitions for Date At report setting.
  • Updated Report Engine error handling to correctly reflect changes in v1.11.0.
  • 1.12.1: Fixed incorrect application of tracking filter to Payment transactions for Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.1: Updated Account Transactions report, so a Payment's linked transaction reference is used when it doesn't have a Reference of its own.
  • 1.12.1: Fixed incorrect name of Xero transaction type.
  • 1.12.2: Advanced settings can once again be accessed when the user is logged in.
  • 1.12.2: Fixed Web Url column not returning any data in XPM/WFM Job List report.
  • 1.12.2: Improved error handling in edge cases.
  • 1.12.2: Fixed minor report settings interface issue when report layout is set to Print.
  • 1.12.3: Fixed an issue with foreign exchange accounts preventing report creation in rare instances.
  • 1.12.3: Cell contents are now correctly cleared when report creation experiences an error.
  • 1.12.3: Fixed currency conversion error preventing creation of Account Transactions report in rare cases.
  • 1.12.4: Further adjustments to Account Transactions report to prevent timeout issues with Xero's API.
  • 1.12.4: Secondary Progress Bar now displays API page number when creating Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.5: Fixed issue with Balance Sheet report when switch rules were present in the API response.
  • 1.12.5: Fixed issue with accounts of type Liability when creating various Xero reports.
  • 1.12.5: Number formatting is now correctly applied to table Total row.
  • 1.12.5: Minor adjustments to error handling.
  • 1.12.5: Workpaper setup now correctly uses configuration to determine whether Practice Manager setup is shown.
  • 1.12.6: Fixed incorrect variable usage when compiling Account Transactions data.
  • 1.12.6: Fixed issue preventing permission changes being saved in some instances.
  • 1.12.7: Fixed blank Currency Code column in Account Transactions report for transaction type Payment.
  • 1.12.7: Improved messaging to the user when creating an Account Transactions report for an unsupported account.
  • 1.12.7: Parameter Location for CLI method CreateReport is now checked to ensure a valid object/variable reference before checking the variable type.
  • 1.12.8: Fixed issue preventing Account Transactions report being created when report dates are dynamically read from a sheet cell.
  • 1.12.8: Account Transactions reports containing transaction type Bank Transfer and column Contact could not be created.
  • 1.12.9: Data for the Running Balance column in Account Transactions print report is now correctly placed.
  • 1.12.9: Corrected total formula for Running Balance column in Account Transactions report.
  • 1.12.10: Running Balance column on Account Transactions report now correctly includes the opening account balance.
  • 1.12.10: [workpapers] Fixed minor issues with data validation during workpaper setup.
  • 1.12.11: [workpapers] Improved how WorkpaperSetup CLI determines whether setup was successful.
  • 1.12.11: Fixed bug when the Location parameter is not passed to Disconnect CLI function.


  • Redesigned report settings user interface with modern design elements.
  • Re-wrote reporting engine to improve speed, configuration, and provide framework for additional reports in future updates.
  • Refactored how report settings are stored in Excel documents. Backwards support for reports created from v1.3.0 - v1.10.4.
  • Removed support for reports created with RadiusCore versions older than v1.3.0.
  • Reports created with the Print layout option can now have their data refreshed.
  • Xero Balance Sheet, Budget Summary, and Profit & Loss reports can now have up to 36 comparison periods.
  • Xero Budget Summary and Profit & Loss reports can now have custom comparison period lengths (i.e., X days, X months).
  • Xero Budget Summary, Legacy Budget Summary, and Profit & Loss reports can now optionally have a Total column added.
  • All Xero reports now have optional display of decimals.
  • Print layout now uses Excel formula for total rows & columns.
  • Xero Account List report can now have multiple filters applied.
  • Added Quick Refresh option to XPM/WFM Client List report.
  • All XPM/WFM reports with filters can now have multiple filters applied.
  • XPM/WFM Invoice List report now returns Draft invoices where appropriate.
  • XPM/WFM Invoice List report can now be filtered by invoice status.
  • Added additional report fields (columns) to numerous XPM/WFM reports.
  • CLI: GenerateReportSettings now returns an XML string.
  • CLI: CreateReport now requires an XML string for the ReportSettings parameter.
  • CLI: Parameter TableName deprecated for methods Refresh and Disconnect. Superseded by Location parameter, which accepts a {ListObject}, {Range}, or {String}.
  • Xero GST Report can now only be created by New Zealand based Xero organisations.
  • 1.11.1: Fixed issue detecting existing reports due to an Excel bug.


  • Added Sign up with Xero.
  • 1.10.1: [workpapers] Added ability to customise workpaper periods when using manual setup.
  • 1.10.1: [workpapers] Removed requirement for a linked XPM account to use workpapers.
  • 1.10.1: [workpapers] Workpaper tab colour is now correctly cleared where no colour is specified for the active workpaper status.
  • 1.10.1: Updated various UI elements.
  • 1.10.1: Minor logging adjustments.
  • 1.10.3: Updated Business Structures to reflect changes made in Xero Practice Manager.
  • 1.10.3: Updated New/Edit admin form with new UI design elements.
  • 1.10.3: Fixed bug preventing creation of Profit and Loss report when accounts are grouped.
  • 1.10.4: [workpapers] Updated available business structures to reflect changes in Xero Practice Manager when using manual setup.


  • Added Custom Templates feature; user-managed templates. Includes version control and centralised distribution via RadiusCore Excel ribbon.
  • Updated VBA-UserInterfaces to v0.1.5
  • Updated VBA-Web to v5.1.1