Refreshing Xero Report Data

Xero reports created with the Save Connection option enabled can have their data refreshed with up-to-date Xero data at any time. Refreshing a report’s data is easy and should be used to ensure any changes made in Xero are reflected in Excel. To refresh a report’s data, follow the instructions below.

  1. Select Radius on your Excel ribbon.

  2. In the Refresh section, press the Refresh button. Two options are then available. 2_excel_ribbon_refresh

    • Selected – If you would like to refresh only one report, select a cell within the report table/range and choose this option. Data for the selected report will be refreshed, all other RadiusCore Xero reports will retain existing data.
    • All – Refresh all RadiusCore Xero reports in the active Excel workbook. This option works with multiple organisations, refreshing Xero reports with the appropriate organisation’s Xero data.
  3. A progress bar will appear, displaying the current progress of the refresh process. 3_progressbar

  4. Once the refresh procedure is complete, the Last Updated Date (as explained in Understanding RadiusCore Xero Reports) will change to the current date-time.