Refreshing Xero Report Data

Xero reports created with the Save Xero Org option enabled can have their data refreshed with up-to-date Xero data at any time. Refreshing a report’s data is easy and should be used to ensure any changes made in Xero are reflected in Excel. To refresh a report’s data, follow the instructions below.

Data refresh is only available for Table layout reports.

  1. Select Radius on your Excel ribbon.

  2. In the Refresh section, press the Refresh button. Two options are then available.


    • Selected – If you would like to refresh only one report, select a cell within the report table and choose this option. Data for the selected report will be refreshed, all other RadiusCore Xero reports will retain existing data.
    • All – Refresh all RadiusCore Xero reports in the active Excel workbook. This option works with multiple organisations, refreshing Xero reports with the appropriate organisation’s Xero data.
  3. Once the refresh procedure is complete, the Last Updated Date (as explained in Understanding RadiusCore Xero Reports) will change to the current date-time.