RadiusCore not Visible

If you have completed RadiusCore installation and cannot see the 'Radius' tab in Excel, please follow the instructions below. excel_ribbon

Option 1

  1. Reboot your PC following RadiusCore installation.
  2. Check for Radius in your Excel ribbon.
  3. Still not showing? Try Option 2 below.

Option 2

  1. Select `FileOptionsAdd-insManage Excel Add-insGo. 1_RC_Excel_options
  2. In the list, untick RadiusCore, press Ok, then Ok on the next menu. 2_Add_in_menu

    If RadiusCore is not present in this list, follow these steps:

    • press Browse.
    • Navigate to:
      • Only for me installation: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\RadiusCore; OR
      • Everybody installation: C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\RadiusCore.

        AppData is a hidden folder, you will need to enable hidden items to access it (View➔Hidden Items).

    • Select RadiusCore.xlam and press Open.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2, except this time tick RadiusCore.
  4. Check for Radius in your Excel ribbon.
  5. Still not showing?
    • Check once again that RadiusCore is ticked in the Add-ins menu.
    • Try Option 3 below.

Option 3

It is advised to request assistance from your IT administrator for this troubleshooting option.

RadiusCore requires a functioning Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service to function. In some rare cases, the WMI repository can become corrupt, preventing WMI from functioning correctly. If your PC has a non-functioning WMI, RadiusCore will not be able to initialise thus won't be seen on the Excel ribbon.

To test whether WMI is the reason for RadiusCore not functioning on your PC, open System Information. If you see a message that says something similar to Can't Collection Information, then the PC's WMI repository is likely corrupt.

Instructions to fix windows WMI repository are out-of-scope for this help article, here is a list of some potential fixes:

  • Restore windows to an earlier version using System Restore.
  • Use windows Reset this PC feature to reinstall windows.
  • Try to restore the WMI repository via powershell commands. See WMI: Repository Corruption, or Not?